Monday, 15 November 2010

Long Time No Blog

Over 6 weeks in and its been a while since I last posted. So here is an update as to what I have been up to over the past few weeks. There has literally been so many things to report so I think a list may be the best thing!

Been to watch Huescas football and basket ball teams.
Found a bar to watch Everton win the Derby.
Taught lessons about the British School System, Halloween, Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day.
Put up with a week of kids saying Guy Fuckers instead of Guy Fawkes.
Did a 2 Minute Silence with year 11 on Remembrance Day.
Visited Phil in Madrid for the weekend.
Met my new baby cousin Jack.
Visited Judith in Manresa.
Went shopping in Lleida in the 2 hour gap between buses when coming back from Manresa.
Visted Teruel and Albarracin with Joe, Nadine and Matty - my fellow Brits in Huesca,
Visted Jaca twice, once with the other assistants once with the Family.
Entertained the family for 5 days in Huesca, Jaca and Zaragoza.
Had a few nights out Huescan style.
Celebrated Megans Birthday with a Mexican takeaway, beer and Spanish People who are actually around my age.
Been paid two weeks late.
Continued with 5 hours of private classes after school and more to come.
Turned down 3 private classes as I now have enough!
Discovered a great love for ham, mushrooms, tomato on bread and Ambar beer (I’m so aragonese it hurts)
Decided I could spend the rest of the year surviving solely on the above items as well as Patatas Bravas, Spanish Omelette Sandwiches and Green Lays Crisps.
Realised that most Spanish people do actually talk English like Manuel from Fawlty Towers.
Been told that I am a natural teacher and an artist (judging by my worksheets apparently)
Learnt and started using a lot of Spanish swear words.
Got pissed off at the fact that nothing opens between the hours of 1.30 and 5.30 or on Sundays and this is the reason that this country is in a grave financial situation.
Got annoyed with lazy Spanish people who don’t like to work.
Unconsciously introduced two new punishments to English lessons: Writing I mustn’t speak Spanish in English Class 50 times every time you speak Spanish and if you misbehave during the lessons you don’t have with me then I am banned from coming to the lessons you do have with me.
Drank coffee pretty much everyday, even at weekends.
Started to understand what the other English teachers talk about at break time.
Been infected with flies as my flatmate decided to put a plant in the kitchen.
Discovered that when the gas bottle runs out so does the hot water and that the place to buy a new bottle only opens 9 til 2 which is useless when your flatmate goes at 6 to buy a new one and you are all teachers and therefore pretty much working during those hours.
Definitely only worked an 11 hour week most weeks.
Discovered Spanish people only talk loud or louder.
Gone on nights out and seen pupils from school.
Realised that you will see at least one person you know every time you leave the flat.
Finished all bureaucratic items and ranted about them all in the process.
Discovered the joys of a Siesta.

And I think that’s all!
Hasta Pronto